How Do You Brew? Learn to Use a Rad Coffee French Press


Learn to Use a Rad Coffee French Press


Brew Time: 7 Minutes
Grind Size: Coarse
Recipe: 5 Scoops of Coffee to 20 oz. of Water

How To Brew

Step One:

Boil 20 oz. of filtered water and measure five scoops of ground coffee.
Step Two:

Remove the French Press lid and plunger. Add your coffee to the canister and shake gently to make the grounds level.
Step Three:

Fill the French Press half way with hot water. Let sit for 30 seconds, then stir.
Step Four:

Add more hot water until just below the pouring spout, but do not overfill.
Step Five:

Stir the coffee and then let sit for five minutes. The lid can be placed on the canister at this time, but do not plunge.
Step Six:

Remove the lid, stir the coffee again, replace the lid, and then let sit for two more minutes.

Learn to Use a Rad Coffee French Press